Ocean Of True Meaning Retreatants’ Page

Links to You tube recordings are  posted at the bottom of the page.

Click here to find out about future retreats.

The first two excerpts of interest are:

Ocean of True Meaning – extract 1 dec 2020 retreat

Sangharakshita on Just Sitting from the Rechungpas Departure Seminar

Resources day 1:

Ocean of True Meaning – online 2020 MM issues and benefits

Resources day 2 :

Insight dialogue – from Greg Kramer via Viveka

Resources day 4 and 5:

OTM 2020 extracts for days 4-5

Foundational Views of Mahamudra – OTM 202 – OTM 2020

As mentioned before,  you don’t need any previous experience of the material or Mahamudra meditation to join. The teaching will be experientially based and any extracts from the book will be provided.  However if you are interested, you might like to know that you can buy The Ocean of True Meaning from Book Depository for around £20,  31 AUD  at:

If there are any retreat materials to share they will be posted here.

If you want to be allocated to a reporting in group please arrive for the second session 10 mins early on 7th December (ie at 3.50pm UK time). On subsequent days the groups can organise themselves.  This requires one person to volunteer as the group host and send round a zoom link to the others in our small group.  The group length has been adjusted to  40 mins so those of you with free zoom can host them yourselves, and allows for joining the following practice session in good time.  keeping the groups small ( 4-5) should allow enough time.

Programme ( UK times):

Session 1:  10am–12 noon:  Teaching session with Vessantara.

Session 2:  4.00 – 4.40pm:  Small groups.
4.45 – 5.30pm:  Led practice  with Vessantara.

Session 3:  8 – 9pm:  Teaching session with Vessantara.

The retreat will begin with session 1  at 10am on Monday the 7th, and finish after session 3, at 9pm on Friday  the 11th  December.

(Suggested Australasian  programme here)

 Teachings are offered  on  a dana (donation) basis. If you’d like to support Vessantara’s Dharma work, that would be very much appreciated. We would also like to make a contribution to Adhisthana who are providing us with facilities and technical help.

You can donate via Paypal by clicking the button below.  (You don’t need to have an account with Paypal; just a debit or credit card.)

Alternatively if you prefer to pay  directly into a bank account please email here for bank details


Day 1 session 1:

  1. Intro to Mahamudra  ( 30 mins)
  2. Meditation ( 35 mins)
  3. Intro to Barlung and meditation (30 mins)

Day 1 session 2:

Meditation: Barlung and connecting to the lineage of practitioners. (40 mins)

Day 1 session 3:

  1. Mindfulness and inner wisdom (30 mins) 
  2. Breath Meditation: mindfulness with a light touch (30 mins)


Day 2 session 1:

  1. Meditation: meeting in the bodhicitta mandala (40 mins)
  2. 6 yogas of Tilopa: intro (20 mins )
  3. 6 yogas of Tilopa: letting go of past and future (20 mins ) 
  4. Meditation: aware sensations (20 mins)

Day 2 session 2:

  1. Pointers on standing meditation (10 mins)
  2. Meditation: Open in the 6 senses (35 mins)

Day 2 Session 3:

  1. 6 Yogas of Tilopa continued (35 mins)
  2. Meditation: Leaving the 6 senses as they are (25 mins)

Day 3 Session 1:

  1. Meditation: receiving and sharing Adhisthana (35 mins)
  2. 6 yogas of Tilopa continued (20 mins)
  3. 6 yogas of Tilopa continued (15 mins)
  4. Meditation: Opening in  the 6 senses (20 mins)

Day 3 session 2 :

Meditation: freshness, the 6 senses and looking ant the nature of awareness (40 mins)

Day 3 session 3:

  1. Exploring the nature of mind  (40 mins)
  2. Meditation: awareness in experience (20 mins)

Day 4 session 1:

1 .Meditation: Participating in Adhisthana (40 mins)

2.  Relationship between relaxed awareness and insight exploration (20 mins )

3.  Some pointers for exploring experience (10 mins )

4. Meditation: Exploring thoughts part 1 ( 30 mins)

Day 4 Session 2:

  1. Questions: non conceptuality and gathering resources to meet challenging emotions and situations  ( 15 mins)
  2. Meditation: sense meditation and the nature of mind movements (30 mins)

Day 4 Session 3:

  1. “Look directly at the nature of whatever thoughts arise…..” (30 mins)
  2. Meditation: From content to nature in sensations and thoughts (30 mins)

Day 5 Session 1:

  1. Meditation:  exploring the difference between words emotions and physical sensations (20mins)
  2. ‘Everything is mind’ and the subject object duality  ( 35 mins)
  3. ‘Everything is mind’ continued – including a couple of  illustrative meditative exercises.  (40 mins)

Day 5 session 2

  1. Non seperation (15 mins)
  2. Meditation: small minds, big mind, no container  (30 mins )

Day 5 Session 3

  1. 4 summary of Mahamudra (15 mins)
  2. Concluding meditation  ( 25mins)
  3. Thanks, final remarks and plans for future retreats (15 mins)