From the 7th – 14th of June, I’m leading an Order meditation retreat at Rivendell, in Sussex, UK. For a long time it was waiting list only, but now they have been able to make some more spaces available. It would be great to have a full house and, apart from one retreat at Adhisthana in October, this is the only retreat I’ll be leading for the rest of this year. The theme is some teaching on the nature of mind given by Tilopa to Naropa on the banks of the River Ganges. It’s a wonderful text, which I started to explore last year, but this year’s retreat will be self-contained, so you can come without knowing anything about the theme.

Rivendell are also looking for a cook or two for the retreat, so if you’d like a free retreat, or  know of anyone who might be up for doing it, please let them know.

Rivendell is gorgeous in early summer. I hope to see you there!